National Plans, Emissions Reduction, Energy Security, and the Paris Agreement: Finding a Sustainable Solution That Is Affordable and Reliable  (Posted 10 July 2022)

TAGS: Energy security; sustainable solutions; multi-objective analysis; objective criteria; decision-making; scientific innovations; power system scenarios; diffusion; adoption

1)      The Paris Agreement is a landmark legally binding international climate change treaty.

2)   The Paris Agreement requires the reduction of GHG emissions, to be made on the basis of equity and in the context of sustainable development.

3)   Finding a sustainable solution for a power system requires the three competing dimensions (or “objectives”) for sustainable development - environmental, economic, and social (including cultural) – to be assessed and balanced equitably.

4)   By recognizing a power system as a scientific innovation, accepted diffusion and adoption concepts can be applied as a -decision-making aid for reaching agreement on the preferred power system.

Specifically, the "attributes" (or characteristics) which are relevant

for the diffusion(or “spread”) and adoption (or “uptake”) of a scientific innovation.

e.g. relative advantage, complexity, compatibility, trialability, and risk.

5)  A decision-making pathway for energy security is outlined based on two evaluation procedures:

  • Multi-objective analysis and
  • The application of accepted concepts on attributes of scientific innovations that lead to their diffusion and adoption.

These procedures are the decision-making cornerstones

for reaching agreement in a national plan or policy for a preferred power system

that is sustainable, affordable and reliable.



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