1.0   Translating Climate Change Science & its Adoption for NDCs:  A Comparison of ‘Political’ and ‘Scientific’ Communication Models (Updated 20 June 2017)

The science of climate change is complex. Polarisation of public opinion is now directed at climate action and mitigation measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the NDCs (“Nationally Determined Contributions”) proposed by UNFCCC Parties.

Two models for scientific communication are compared – ‘political’ and ‘scientific’.

Criteria, having their origin in the adoption of scientific information and conflict resolution, were used to assess their Relative Advantage -  a concept that would be central to the extent and rate of adoption of NDCs, globally.



2.0 More than the Market Needed to Stop the World Warming

To keep global warming to below 2 degrees centigrade by 2100, much more mitigation efforts than just market based mechanisms will be needed READ MORE(Posted December 2013)

3.0 Post-Kyoto: The Future of Coal

What does moving to a low carbon economy mean for the future of coal-generated power? READ MORE (Posted April 2013)

4.0 Beyond Kyoto: Shaping a New, Universal Climate Agreement for Moving to a Low Carbon Economy

Click on the following LINK to download a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation for a possible road map. Will coal-generated power be part of the global energy mix for a low carbon economy in the new UN universal climate agreement? (Posted March 2013)

5.0 Have the Kyoto Protocol National Measures that Promote Sustainable Development Been Effectively Evaluated as the Primary Global Means to Reduce GHG Emissions?

READ MORE on finding a sustainable solution for moving to a low-carbon economy. Accepted principles of conflict resolution are linked to the use of a science-based environmental decision-making aid: Microsoft PowerPoint Slides. (Posted April 2012)

6.0 What Carbon Price is Right to Bite Into, not Bark at, Climate Change?

READ MORE on carbon pricing, climate-economic modelling-and action for climate change (Posted Feb. 2012)

7.0 Regulatory Control as a National Energy Efficiency Measure under the Kyoto Protocol to Limit Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Could the April 2007 decision of the US Supreme Court in Massachusetts et al. v. EPA become a global model as one "National Measure" under the Kyoto Protocol for for reducing carbon dioxide emissions? READ MORE...


8.0 Options for Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions for Climate Change: A Sustainable Solution or an "Economic Fix"(the ETS)?

A sustainable solution differs from the “economic fix” of the ETS as it requires equitable balancing of the multiple and competing objectives - ecological, economic, social and cultural - for sustainable development; and not an inordinate weighting on one objective only e.g. "economics" and the ETS.







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