Multi-Objective Analysis Methodology and Sustainable Development:

The Cornerstones for Conflict Management and Resolution


APPLICATIONS: 1. Recovery from the COVID-19 Global Pandemic

(Posted 17 June 2020)

KEY WORDS: COVID-19; sustainable development; Impacts: global health (environmental) – economic – social - cultural; Sustainable Development Goal 3; multi-objective analysis; methodology

1.0   The COVID-19 pandemic has become a classic sustainable development problem to resolve against a background  of one of the worst global recessions in history being reasonably foreseeable.

2.0    As the response to the health impacts of the global pandemic becomes effectively managed through preventative actions and measures taken throughout the world, increasing attention by national Governments will have to be directed at sustainable development in the recovery phase from the pandemic.

3.0      Decision-making on the methodology  to be adopted

to find sustainable solutions is crucial.

Finding sustainable solutions for the pandemic

will requires national Governments

to decide on the appropriate methodology and strategy for them to adopt.

4.0 The methodology would have to be one that is generally accepted as a reliable body of knowledge by being consistent with the standards and criteria of science; and to be an effective decision-making aid for finding sustainable solutions.

5.0    The bottom line for finding sustainable solutions requires the multiple and competing objectives of sustainable development – economic, social (including cultural) and environmental (for COVID-19, global health risks) - to be assessed and balanced, equitably.

6.0 Multi-objective methodology is a well-accepted procedure that has long been used as a decision-making aid to resolve sustainable development for public-sector environmental and planning issues.



APPLICATIONS: 2. Water Resources ~ The Murray-Darling Basin Plan

(Posted 11 April 2019)

1.0   Managing and resolving the conflict that exists between competing land use interests over Basin Plan outcomes relates to the effectiveness of the methodology used to achieve ESD outcomes in developing the Basin Plan?

2.0   Multi-objective methodology is a well-accepted procedure that has long been used as a decision-making aid for public-sector environmental and planning issues.

3.0   One view of the multi-objective analysis methodology is that because most public-sector problems involve multiple conflicting objectives — whether in environmental policy, water resources, energy or public health — the opportunity of the methodology for evaluating ESD outcomes is unlimited.



APPLICATIONS: 3 ~ Climate Change

(Posted 01 June 2018)

1.0   Multi-objective methodology is a well-accepted procedure that has long been used as a decision-making aid for resolving public-sector environmental and planning issues.

2.0   Environmental problems are invariably sustainable development problems. Action for climate change is a classic sustainable development issue.

3.0   Finding sustainable solutions requires the multiple and competing objectives of sustainable development – ecological, economic, social (including cultural) - to be assessed and balanced, equitably.

4.0   Multi-objective analysis provides a pathway for the Paris Rule Book  to develop a guide for preparing pledges to implement the sustainable development obligation of the Paris Agreement. Climate change is used as a Case Study to outline the process...



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