1.0 Preparing for COP 21, Paris, a Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient Future and the New Climate Agreement:: Equity, the ‘Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities’ (“CBDR”) and Sustainable Development (Posted 27 August 2015)

TAGS: COP21 Paris; climate agreement; interdependence; CBDR; sustainable development; equity; INDCs; emissions targets; conflict resolution; problem-solving; multi-objective analysis; principled negotiation; UNFCCCC; Kyoto Protocol.

A pathway is outlined that enables the interdependence between equity, CBDR and sustainable development to resolve these issues; and to resonate with the new climate agreement and the “ultimate objective” of Article 2, UNFCCC.

To read more on this topic, click on the following LINK

A shorter article extracted from the original titled, "Evaluating INDCs for Sustainable Development" can be downloaded by clicking on the following LINK

2.0 Towards COP 21 and Climate Agreement Negotiations: Integrating Scientific Uncertainty and Risk in the Decision -making Framework (Posted 16 April 2015)

TAGS: COP21 Paris; climate agreement; decision-making; negotiations; scientific uncertainty; risk; divergent scientific opinion; environmental impact assessment; risk analysis; mitigation measures; adoption.

The decision-making process on potential consequences of climate change and mitigation measures should not be seen as the exclusive domain of science - or the sole province of law and policy rather, an effective integration between them all is required.

To read more,  click on the following LINK to download the full article on this topic.

Click on KEY POINTS to download a summary of the above article.


3.0 Towards COP 21 and the New Universal Climate Change Agreement: Resolving the Deadlock over the “Developed-Developing Country” Divide and Emission Reductions (Posted 9 February 2016)

TAGS: COP21 Paris; climate agreement; CBDR; deadlock; coal-generated energy; part global energy mix; sustainability; low global carbon economy




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